title: near to oneself (bei sich selbst)
size: 140 x 70 cm
date: 2008
material: oil auf canvas
(inspired by a foto
by Sascha Hüttenhain)
title: expectation (Erwartung)
size: 50 x 24 cm
date: 2008
material: oil on hardboard
title: prostrating reader
size: 40 x 34 cm
date: 2008
material: oil on canvas
title: short tiredness (kurze Müdigkeit)
size: 30 x 40 cm
date: 2008
material: oil on canvas
title: colors are fighting with the darkness for the light
(die Farben streiten sich mit dem Dunkel um das Licht )
size: 140 x 60 cm
date: 2007 / 2008
material: oil on canvas
title: hot dance (heißer Tanz)
size: 40 x 30 cm
date: 2008
material: oil on canvas
title: Color at the start of all (Farbe am Anfang aller Dinge)
size: 50 x 70 cm
date: 2008
material: oil on canvas