art by Thomas Brill: withdrawing

title: withdrawing (fallen lassen)

size: 30 x 30 cm
date: 2006
material: stucco antico and oil on OSB

art by Thomas Brill: the reading woman

title: The Reading Woman (Die Lesende)

size: 59 x 59 cm
date: 2006
material: Aluminium / stucco antico on OSB

art by Thomas Brill: new tulips

title: new tulips

size: 60 x 25 cm
date: 2005
material: oil on canvas

art by Thomas Brill: Schlaf

title: sleeping (Der Schlaf)

size: 80 x 60 cm
date: 2006
material: Aluminium / mixed media on OSB

art by Thomas Brill: absolute pitch

title: absolute pitch (absolutes Gehör)

size: 80 x 60 cm
date: 2004
material: oil on canvas